Ülimaitsvad veinid ning särtsakad kokteilid viivad Sind idüllilisele rännakule Hispaaniasse, kus temperament on kuum ja tähistamine on hinges.
Vali oma lemmik.
Me and my fiancé absolutely fell in love with this hidden gem in the old town district of the city, We originally only intended to stay for 20 minutes and have 1 coffee... we ended up staying for nearly 6 hours, The bar owners are some of the kindest and accommodating bar owners I've come across. The music the vibes, everything was spot on, considering it was our first ever time in the country and my fiancé's first ever time out of the UK we felt at home here. The owner and his partner have made this the best bar experience of our trip.. we even exchanged gifts. To anyone thinking about visiting Tallinn go say hello from Paul... and when you see this guys.. Thanks for the good memories, your bar was the place where I decided to propose. WE WILL NEVER FORGET YOU AND THE EXPERIENCE YOU HAVE GIVEN US!!
Väga mõnus ja hubane koht, kus on alati sõbralik teenindus. Hea vein ja maitsvad snäkid (tapas) otse Hispaaniast teevad selle koha eriti ägedaks. : Neil on veel erinevaid üritusi nagu Taco ja Paella õhtud. Väga tore koht kuhu minna sõpradega või deidile. Soovitan seda kohta kõigile 🙂
Imeline leid Vanalinnas!
Hubane, aga samas ka mõnusalt funky kohvik, mis kutsub istuma ja veini nautima.
Väga cool sisekujundus ning muusika valik on igati hispaaniapärane.
Soojust ja päikesepaiste hõngu jääb sellest kohvikust pikemaks ajaks hinge!
Cozy new place in Old Town with great Spanish wines and even better atmosphere. Owners are super cool too. Perfect for a romantic date or Friday night chill with friends. Highly recommended!*****
What a gem! This cozy and gorgeous wine bar is perfect for a date night with your other half or friends. Besides great wine and appetizers they also offer generously poured super delicious margaritas. Make sure to keep an eye on their Instagram page. They have fun events like Sunday brunch with made from scratch paella and live music, taco nights etc. Great spot with great vibe. The owners are also very welcoming and nice. Can’t wait to visit again!
Hosted a private birthday party there, the owners and bartenders were super nice and helpful with planning and made my night awesome and memorable.
Would definietly reccomend!!
This cozy little wine bar has left the best impressions! The ambiance is really welcoming and charming, and the owners are extremely attentive and make great recommendations. Do yourself a favour and visit TORO 😊
We had really good time, bartenders are super, and beers so good 😊
I 100% recommend it !!
Cozy and nice place. Best drinks and atmosphere. A piece of Spain in the middle of Tallinn Five stars frome us!
Cozy and nice place. Best drinks and atmosphere. A piece of Spain in the middle of Tallinn Five stars frome us!
A charming small place with a terrace physically in the middle of a crossroads - which is an experience on its own to try and get away from the cars running into you,slowly, that's the only thing that calms your mind - with Cuban salsa blasting from the speakers, Spanish wines and kind of Spanish tapas as what else jamon and queso if not all that, a really helpful owner, occasional paella and events. Will comeback for sure!
Broneeri laud
Kui sul tekkis küsimusi, helista julgelt +372 537 167 12
Tere tulemast TOROsse– TORO on kahe entusiastliku veinisõbra poolt asutatud veini ja tapase baar. Oleme nüüd täielikult avatud, nii seest kui ka väljast. Asume Laial tänaval, Tallinna ajaloolises vanalinnas. Just sellel tänaval on lisaks TOROle veel kõige rohkem muuseume. Kui sind kõnetab hispaania kultuur, vein ja kohalik kunst, peaksid kindlasti meile külla tulema. TORO olemus peegeldab meie kogemust, tagades, et meie nägemus kumab läbi kõiges, mida me teeme.
Me usume tõeliste inimeste tõelistesse lugudesse ja nende jagamisse läbi põnevate kohtumiste- seda muidugi suurepärase muusika ja veini saatel. Vein jõuab meie juurde väikesest Hispaania Cariñena piirkonna veiniistandusest- Bodegas Care.
Meie ainulaadses ja hubases ruumis on seintel kohalike kunstnike kunstiteosed ning see tervitab nii kohalike kui ka välismaiste kunstnike elavat kogukonda. Tulge ja nautige meie hoolikalt kokkupandud kokteilivalikut ning laske mõnusal meeleolul ennast kaasa viia.
Danek & Timo

Leia meid
- Lai 26, Tallinn, vanalinn
- +372 5657 1628
- info@torowinebar.ee
- Neljapäevast Laupäevani 19:00 - ...
- Thu 19:00-23:00
- Fri - Sat 19:00-01:00
- Sun 17:00-22:00